

Creativity Skill Competition 2021

The Annual Creativity Competition is one of the two major skill- based competition that takes place during the school year. The Creativity Competition is inclusive of all 5 courses, with the exception of the Level One students, and students are presented with the rare opportunity to demonstrate their unique individual tastes in their art.

This year’s Creativity Competition was held from May 18 through May 21 and the main themes for the competition were “Before and After Covid 19”, and “Covid 19” for the Lhadi (painting) and Patra (carving) respectively. This year the school management decided to make the Tailoring and Embroidery course students collaborate and create dolls with the theme “Traditional Animals”.

The assessment criteria for judging the competition entries are based on:

  • Innovation
  • Precision in Idea
  • Overall Composition
  • Application of Materials
  • Compliance with the theme
Creativity Skill Competition 2021