




2024 Teachers Day Celebration

On May 2nd, the Birth Anniversary of His late Majesty the Third King, Bhutan celebrated Teachers’ Day, a poignant tribute to the vital role of educators in shaping society. The Choki Traditional Art School joined in this commemoration, orchestrating a heartfelt acknowledgment of their teachers’ dedication and impact. 



Annual School Rimdro and Kanjur Recitation

The annual School Rimdro (Ritual) took place on April 18, and along with the recitation of the 108 volumes of Kanjur was conducted. This marks the second consecutive year that this prayer recitation has been held at the school, for the benefit of sentient beings and the well-being of all our supporters.


Alumni Success at National Design and Art Competition

We are proud to announce that two of our alumni have excelled in the prestigious National Design and Art Competition (NDAC), an annual event hosted by the Museum Division under the Department of Culture and Dzongkha Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, in collaboration with the Royal Textile Academy of Bhutan (RTA)..




CTAS celebrates International Snow Leopard Day

In a special event to commemorate its 25th Anniversary, the school had the privileged to partner with WWF-Bhutan to celebrate today the International Snow Leopard Day. The objective is to raise awareness about the endangered snow leopards and traditional Bhutanese arts & Crafts, which share the same plight of vulnerability. 



Y-PEER CTAS & International Menstrual Hygiene Day

Y-PEER CTAS organized a seminar to commemorate International Menstrual Hygiene Day, emphasizing its significance, educate students about menstrual hygiene, menstrual products, and ways to address the social taboos surrounding menstruation.



Trans Bhutan Fundraising Trek

To raise funds for CTAS, while showcasing to the world the beauty and culture of Bhutan via social media, one of our school’s major supporters, Mr Koenraad Foulon and his wife Lynne, together with a small international group of friends, has trek 108 kms of the recently-opened Trans Bhutan Trail (30th March to 10th April 2023).



CTAS celebrates 25th Year!

The school celebrated its 25 years of establishment on 29th March 2023.  It was a great milestone and a proud moment for Choki Traditional Art School. It has been providing high quality traditional art education for 25 years.


Launch of Construction of New Multipurpose Hall

Coinciding with the joyous occasion of the 25th-anniversary celebration of CTAS on 29th March 2023, the school formally announced the construction of the new Multipurpose Hall and seek blessings from everyone present.


New Admission 2023

We are pleased to inform you that we received an overwhelming response to our admissions process. Over 172 students have registered for 52 seats (24 boys and 28 girls) available in our school.




CTAS achieve Grade ‘A’

The School is glad to receive Grade ‘A’ certificate of registration from the Ministry of Labor and Human Resources. This is indeed such a great achievement, a milestone in the history of CTAS.


Community Service at Chari Monastery

On 16th October, a group of students along with teachers of CTAS offered voluntary services in painting four units of retreat centers at Chari Monastery, on a request received from the Chari Monastery, head of the retreat center.



Cookie Bake-Off!

Two Professors from the university of Nihon, Tokyo, Japan visited CTAS on 22nd September to create awareness of women’s empowerment and self-sustainability through a cookie-making program.



Zero Waste Hour 2022

On 2nd June 2022, coinciding with the coronation of His Majesty the Fourth King and as part of the “Zero waste Hour” initiatives, the school organized a mass cleaning campaign around the vicinity of the school.



Annual School Rimdro 2022

Coinciding with Zhabdrung Kuchoe, the Death Anniversary of Zhabdrung, the school rimdro (ritual) was held. The school is so blessed to have this important rimdro presided by Trulku Tenzin Jamtsho, the reincarnation of Mipham Chogyal, the grandfather of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal.


Teacher's Day 2022

CTAS joined the nation in celebrating Teacher’s Day on May 2nd, which also marks the birth anniversary of the Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchuck. This day is dedicated to every single teacher in Bhutan and to celebrate teaching as profession.



National Certificate Award

CTAS students who sat for National Assessment in 2021 were awarded with  certificates from the Ministry of Labour and Human Resources were awarded today on 25th April 2022.


Admissions 2022

CTAS has finally reopened after a delayed start to the school year due to the pandemic. Admission for 2022 has  opened and interviews were held on April 12-13.




Graduation Night 2021

Graduation is one of the most important events of the year since it celebrates the success of the students and brings closure to their time as students.   The graduation celebration took place at night with bonfires, dances and a festive atmosphere.


Alumni General Meeting 2021

The Alumni general meeting held on November 27 featured presentation and updates on the support received from the alumni 2021, including membership updates and fees collected to support the school.



World Suicide Prevention Day

CTAS Y-PEER students observe the World Suicide Prevention day at the school today. The theme was “creating Hope Through Action” which aims to empower people with the confidence to engage with the complexity of ‘hope’. They organized an awareness session on how suicide can be prevented to create a world where few people die by suicide.


Blessed by His Holiness

On the very special occasion of the completion of the 45-day long “Monastic Summer Retreat”, a Buddhist tradition which dates from the time of Buddha, CTAS was blessed by the presence of His Holiness Gyelsay Tenzin Rabgay along with the Tago Dorden Buddhist University President, Khenpos and Lecturers together with 400 monks of Tago, Chari and Dodena.



Y-PPER established at CTAS

The five students who attended the Y-PPER Training of the Trainers program organized by Department of Youth & Sports and awarded peer educators, conducted an awareness session to the school on 12th August coinciding with the International Youth Day.


Alumni Project

The Alumni Chairman Sangay Tenzin, along with four other Alumni experts, will carry out a month-long project starting from 10th August. They will conduct lessons for senior drawing and painting students who have expressed interest, as well as looking into areas of improvement.


Alumni Awareness Talk

The Chairman and two Vice-Chair of the Alumni Association 2021 conducted a session with the students. The objective was to create awareness of the CTAS Alumni Association and its benefits.  Amongst others, the Chairman and Vice-Chair shared their experience while studying at CTAS and into the job market.



Health Talk by Apollo Bhutan

he young nurses-in-training of the Apollo Bhutan Institute of Nursing came to our school to give a talk session and spread awareness regarding prominent youth-related health issues like menstruation, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse.


18 - 21

Creativity Competition 2021

This year’s Creativity Competition themes were “Before and After Covid 19”, and “Covid 19” for the Lhadi (painting) and Patra (carving) respectively. This year the school management decided to make the Tailoring and Embroidery course students collaborate and create dolls with the theme “Traditional Animals”.

04 - 06

QMS Auditing by MOLHR

As per the request made by the school, the Ministry of Labor & Human Resources fielded an expert of four Auditors to conduct the trial audit on Quality Management System (QMS) from 4-6 May 2021.


Teacher's Day Celebration

The Birth Anniversary of the Third Druk Gyalpo Jigme Dorji Wangchuck is celebrated as Teacher’s Day in Bhutan. On May 2nd, the students of CTAS came forth with their creativity, talent and full enthusiasm as they planned a grand celebration for the teachers and staff of CTAS.



Students move into new classroom building

The construction of the new classroom building is finally completed and the excited students have moved in by the 1st week of May.  The students expressed their gratitude to Mr. Alan & his wife Patricia Bickell and all the supporters who have contributed to constructing this building and provide a great learning environment for the students. 


Annual School Rimdo

Coinciding with Zhabdrung Kuchoe (the death anniversary of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal), the school held its Annual Rimdro (ritual) on 22nd April. This ritual and prayer session is performed every year for the well-being of the students, staff, supporters, and well-wishers of the school both within and outside the country.


Y-PEER Program Session

A team of experts from the Department of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Education, organized a sensitization program on Y-PEER (Youth Peer Education Network) at CTAS. The objective of the program is to create awareness on the importance and benefits of becoming a registered member of Y-PEER.


Bhutanese Iconography Expert Talk

Mr. Ngawang Tenzin, a researcher in Bhutanese iconography conducted a three-hour session for the students, staff and several alumni of CTAS on 17th April 2021. The presentation was comprehensive covering the history and origin of iconography in general and specifically in Bhutan.



CTAS received Covid Vaccine!

As part of a nationwide Covid-19 Vaccination Program, the staff and students of CTAS received the vaccination today. The school would like to join the nation in thanking His Majesty the King, the Government, health workers, Desuups and all the supporters for this wonderful opportunity to keep the citizens safe from this pandemic.